The chance of an extreme dengue fever episode before long around here of the nation may not be precluded as the hatchlings of 'aedes aegypti', the vector that causes dengue fever are being tracked down in overflow in the region.

Information gathered by 'The News' on Saturday has uncovered that the thickness of hatchlings being found by the groups of Region Wellbeing Authority Rawalpindi is a lot higher in various territories falling under the ward of Civil Organization Rawalpindi, Potohar Town, Rawalpindi Cantonment Board and Chaklala Cantonment Board in spite of the way that the vector observation is areas of strength for less year when contrasted with the reconnaissance in the year 2022 and 2023.

Information uncovers that as of now in 2022, upwards of 2196377 spots were checked by the region wellbeing division under the vector reconnaissance and in 2023, the quantity of spots checked was 2329714 while this year up until this point, a sum of 1372873 spots have been checked for dengue fever vector recording essentially a low degree of observation. The quantity of spots tried positive under the vector observation, be that as it may, is as yet higher when contrasted with the spots tried positive in the year 2022 and 2023.

Till April 27 out of 2022, the dengue fever vector was found from upwards of 2844 spots, in 2023, the number was 2,552 while this year, 3,080 spots have tested positive till April 27. The information likewise uncovers that as of now in 2022 and 2023, the groups of locale wellbeing division Rawalpindi checked upwards of 981,000 houses and 959,225 separately while this year, the groups have up until this point really look at a sum of 361,501 houses for dengue fever vector. The number of houses that tried positive is still a lot higher this year as the vector has been found from a sum of 732 houses up to this point. In 2022, 332 houses were tried positive till April 27 while in 2023, the number was 382. Specialists say that the vector reconnaissance framework should be reinforced to go to lengths well in time for anticipation and control of dengue fever flare-up. It's undeniably true that a frail vector reconnaissance framework expands the possibilities of a more serious dengue fever flare-up in a district.

The circumstance might be named as disturbing especially on the grounds that practically all hazard factors including downpours, climbing temperature, tainted voyagers and piles of trash and refuse dumps alongside hatchlings of dengue fever vector and grown-up mosquitoes are a lot of in presence around here of the country. It is critical that upwards of four affirmed patients of dengue fever have proactively been accounted for from Rawalpindi locale. Additionally the most reasonable season for rearing of dengue fever vector has nearly set in. Specialists say that a potential episode of dengue fever can be abstained from by abstaining from reproducing of mosquitoes and by controlling their development inside and outside homes at that point. The time has come to go to prudent lengths strictly by both the concerned government specialists and the people. Wellbeing specialists accept that the local area needs to obliterate conceivable reproducing destinations of mosquitoes precisely that can hold onto hatchlings to form into grown-up mosquitoes as staying away from a potential episode of dengue fever is an unquestionable requirement.

The dengue fever mosquitoes both 'aedes aegypti' and 'aedes albopictus' are vectors that cause dengue fever as the female 'aedes' mosquitoes convey one of the four sorts of dengue infection from the dengue patient to the sound individual and communicate the sickness. It is critical that normally, the dengue fever vector lays the main eggs of the year toward the start of May and the mosquito thickness is maximal toward the beginning of July, late August and early September while the egg laying action stays went on until November.

 Vector surveillance is a critical component of public health efforts aimed at preventing and controlling mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue fever. Dengue, caused by the dengue virus transmitted primarily by Aedes mosquitoes, poses a significant global health burden, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions. The effectiveness of vector surveillance directly impacts the ability of health authorities to anticipate, prevent, and respond to outbreaks of dengue and other mosquito-borne illnesses.

At its core, vector surveillance involves the systematic monitoring of mosquito populations to assess their abundance, distribution, and infection rates. By understanding the dynamics of mosquito populations, public health authorities can identify high-risk areas and implement targeted interventions to reduce the transmission of dengue virus.

One of the key objectives of vector surveillance is to detect changes in mosquito populations that may indicate an increased risk of disease transmission. Aedes mosquitoes, particularly Aedes aegypti, the primary vector of dengue virus, thrive in urban environments where they breed in containers holding stagnant water. Effective surveillance requires regular monitoring of potential breeding sites, such as discarded tires, water storage containers, and other receptacles that collect water in and around human habitations.

Poor vector surveillance may result in a failure to detect increases in mosquito populations or identify emerging hotspots of dengue transmission. Without timely intervention, these hotspots can fuel outbreaks of dengue fever, placing communities at risk of experiencing severe illness and overwhelming local healthcare systems. Additionally, inadequate surveillance can lead to delays in implementing control measures, allowing dengue virus to spread unchecked.

Furthermore, the lack of comprehensive vector surveillance can hinder efforts to assess the effectiveness of control measures and adjust strategies accordingly. Surveillance data provide valuable insights into the impact of interventions such as larval control, insecticide spraying, and community education campaigns. Without reliable data on mosquito populations and disease transmission patterns, public health authorities may struggle to allocate resources efficiently and prioritize interventions in areas most at risk.

Investing in robust vector surveillance programs is essential for building resilient public health systems capable of responding effectively to dengue outbreaks and other mosquito-borne diseases. Such programs require collaboration between government agencies, research institutions, and local communities to establish surveillance networks, collect data, and implement evidence-based interventions.

Key components of an effective vector surveillance program include:

1. **Routine Monitoring:** Regular surveillance activities to monitor mosquito populations and identify changes in abundance and distribution over time.

2. **Early Warning Systems:** Development of early warning systems to detect increases in mosquito populations or changes in disease transmission patterns that may indicate an impending outbreak.

3. **Integrated Approaches:** Integration of vector surveillance with other public health interventions, such as disease surveillance and environmental management, to address the underlying factors contributing to dengue transmission.

4. **Community Engagement:** Engagement with local communities to raise awareness about dengue prevention, encourage community participation in vector control efforts, and foster collaboration between residents and public health authorities.

5. **Capacity Building:** Training of personnel in vector surveillance techniques, data analysis, and outbreak response to ensure a skilled workforce capable of implementing surveillance activities effectively.

By prioritizing vector surveillance and investing in comprehensive monitoring programs, public health authorities can strengthen their ability to prevent and control dengue outbreaks, ultimately reducing the burden of this devastating disease on affected communities.